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Our philosophy at

A Place to Play Family Child Care... is children learn while they play... 

Learning from play can include anything from an art project, sand box play, a science lesson to walking on tip toes. It can be a planned activities or as spontaneous  as watching a caterpillar eating your favorite flowers.

*Our Newsletter helps keep parents informed.

*A closed group Facebook page where parents can see daily activities, projects and field trips, and pictures.

Understand​ing STEAM






Understanding STEAM and how children use it. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.Each of STEAM’s five subjects share a common approach and focus. They require gathering and using evidence to create knowledge or solve problems. STEAM learning happens naturally everyday as children explore, play, and try new things. When young children have the opportunity to investigate the world around them, they learn and experiment with new STEAM skills and theories. Research shows there is a positive relationship between early STEAM experiences and future success in school.

 This document will also help adults identify strategies for exploring and developing STEAM in early learning settings.

We use the term “education staff” to refer to all adults who work with young children and their families in an educational environment. This includes center-based teachers, family child care providers, and home visitors.

check out the website for more information on steam for young children.

We are located on a quiet neighborhood in the Tri-City Area of Oceanside, neighbor to Carlsbad and Vista California

Hours of care:



Come see what...

A Place to Play Family Childcare has to offer!

Contact Frances at 760 672-8710

At a Place to Play we care...

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